Burmese Trout or also known as Sikang and Malayan Trout locally is one of the fresh water species that almost extinct. Burmese Trout habitat is on rocky stream, shallow and clear water.
The best time to hunt them is during spring and early summer where it becomes active and always aggressive. If you’re planning to get Sikang, here are some tips on how to improve your strike rate.
1) Fish when the Sikang are feeding
You may be wondering when the feeding time is. As based on experience the best time to catch them is after 11 in the morning towards evening. The good sizes always strike on the evening. Targeting Sikang when they’re actively feeding is key success to catching them but you got to observe and look for fish movement in the area, especially close to shore.
2) Stay out of the water
This is the key to get a strike because trout always feed around shallow water and can be easily spooked. They are very sensitive fish so avoid harsh movement whether you are in the water or on the shore. It’s good to keep out of the water and walk carefully as you move along the shore will benefit you catching the trout rather than just spook them running into the deeper area. Once they frightened it’s impossible to catch them.
3) Pick a proper diet spoons / lures
Their diet sometimes can be insane. We caught many before using more than 10g spoons (up to 18g spoon) and the fish size is just around 5cm to 10cm. They really got big appetite during early summer and that time Sikang is not selective. What we would recommend is use any small sizes spoon/lures around 3g and below for higher catch rate because it suits them nicely; good diet. Gold color micro spoons will work well on water that a bit murky and silver spoon on clear water. Top water lures like pencil and popper works well too. Be confident with what you are using and target in the area where it will wait for the victims.
4) Match the diet
In reference to point no 3, just in case when the Sikang become selective then you really need to identify what they are eating by observing around types of small fishes exist. We normally change to worms based soft baits with flexible tail really attracts them. Natural colors like white, pearl, glittering, green, red, will works well but keep changing it up until you get a take.
5) Small or Big?
We would recommend go for small first if there’s no sign of them feeding fish. Generally, if Sikang are rising or striking you can go with almost anything. Sometimes you just need to adjust the size of the lures depending on the location and water conditions. Fast flowing water (where normally good size trout like to hang around) you may need to use heavier lures and slow flowing water it’s recommended to use small ones.
6) Water flowing
Many anglers don’t really spend time experiment which direction is the best to catch trout when casting. Small fish don’t always swim up the river/stream but they always float following the water direction. Your lures also will not performing well when you cast against the stream. You need to understand it’s much easier for the predator to strike by following the water direction rather than against it. Then again, fishing following the water direction can be productive, especially when there are a lot of native insects being blown onto the water. It’s all about your observation and situation that suits your style of fishing at that time.
7) Small group anglers
Avoid going in big group. Small group around 2-3 persons will be better. As mentioned earlier Sikang is a very sensitive fish. They can “smell” you from far when there are too many movements and noise. Avoid using brighter clothes, try on natural like white, green, brown, dark, etc.
8) Various presentations
When feeding time they whack almost anything you cast but not always you can get those season. If you are not getting any strike try to change the way you crank. Doing multiple presentations at one time sometimes will helps too. Jerking and pause will be ideal if none chasing your lures. Blend it up until you get a strike.
9) Casting Distance
It’s recommended to cast at average 10-15 meter (rough estimation) from the hot spots; strike zone. If sees a spot with higher chances it will be around try to cast few feet away and crank passing the spot might get you a strike. Using good leader length around 3-5 feet with 2-4 pound leader will also help when they are in fussy mood.
10) Catch and release
Fresh water Burmese Trout a.k.a Sikang / Malayan Trout is really hard to find today. Do your best to practice catch and release by avoiding using barbed hooks and out of water too long. Trout does not have the strength like other type of fish. It’s best if you can practice using landing net and always remain in the water to give maximum protection for the fish.
Sikang or Burmese Trout is fun to hunt. I never get bored hunting them. They are quick, fierce, good at hiding and really got big appetite. There’s something that I’m not able to explain why small fish like them is fun. To enjoy them proper fishing setup like ultralight is highly recommended. Get a rod with parabolic or slow/moderate action with 1-4 pound mainline combine it with small reel to get the feel.
If you have additional tips do comment 🙂
Good luck 🙂
All information given is based on a best efforts to express our opinions and knowledge that has been acquired. Paragraph or inappropriate words may have been used and it is out of control because we have tried most wisely. If you have suggestions, please comment. We will make changes.

Hey guys! You can call me Kanicen and I’m a nature lover. I spend most of my time outdoor with fishing. I have to admit that I am not an expert but I will do my best to share with you interesting stuffs I know. I love ultralight game which means I live to challenge myself with UNREALISTIC LOGIC for satisfaction.