Fluorocarbon can be used as a shock leader connected to your braided line or as the main line. Both are made not by the same process and its actually should be used for the purpose its being created.
Fluorocarbon is very strong but hard and will form according to your spool in cold weather. With such problems the line manufacturers begin to create more flexible and less hard fluorocarbon materials that can be used on the reel to facilitate fishing.
Now fluorocarbon line materials are available in majority fishing tackle shops because they are cheaper than 100% fluorocarbon shock leader. Line materials have various options to choose from like 80%, 70%, 60% and 30% fluorocarbon ratings. This type of line is actually better suited to reels not as a leader but anglers today are now more flexible using this line as a leader because it’s cheaper, easier to get and it will help in handling larger fish sizes by absorbing strong impact due to a little memory.
Fluorocarbon leader materials are not a fishing line. The difference between these two types of lines should be understood and know how to make the selection based on your fishing preferences. Fluorocarbon leader materials are the choice of most anglers who know the real purpose. The manufacturing process is also different from the fluorocarbon fishing line where it is thicker, harder and more resistant to friction. Usually it is combined with braided rope because braided is easily seen by fish.
What are the Pros and Cons of Fluorocarbon Line?
Fluorocarbon Pros
1. Fluorocarbon leader is great for making the strike/hook faster because it does not stretch. So, its almost instant.
2. Fluorocarbon is almost invisible in water, making it ideal for fishing in very clear water, when looking for fish with excellent vision or at an area where it’s high-pressure and stressful.
3. Fluorocarbon is heavy and easy to sink. It helps in bottom game fishing as well as for those who use hard baits like cranks/divers or/and soft bait fanatic.
4. Fluorocarbon is very durable from a fish impact/bite, sunlight and toxins, rather than monofilament lines or braided lines.
5. Fluorocarbons are highly resistant to friction despite receiving extreme pressure over monofilament or braided lines.
Fluorocarbon Cons
1. Fluorocarbon is heavy so it is less suitable to use for top water lures because it will disrupt the lures action.
2. The fluorocarbon line is usually very smooth so choosing proper type of knot is very important to avoid it from slip.
3. Fluorocabon is expensive.
4. Fluorocarbon is very difficult to see so it makes it difficult to exactly point its position.
The reason some anglers prefer to use monofilament lines as a leader because it’s cheap. Nothing wrong with this though it gives you a lot of deficiencies and could be one of the main factors lacking of fish strikes. If the fish is in the hungry or eating mode then it is not an issue as it will attack without using their instincts but in other situation you might end up empty. You can also use a monofilament line as a leader in muddy, dirty, plummet or areas where the water is difficult to see because in these situations usually fish having difficulties in seeing things too. But if there is no strike then it’s time to use fluorocarbon leader.
Below are some of the anglers’ favorite choices of fluorocarbon shock leader / leader materials that commonly used. Whatever your choices is make sure check your pockets and make smart investment after all it’s your hobby. Choose something that suits the purpose based on your preferences. Note: We will keep update this post from time to time so make sure to keep reading it.
Final Words
The science behind the manufacturing of fluorocarbons is a huge success in engineering. Making fluorocarbon line where the substance index as water itself is a great achievement.
Fluorocarbon line or leader materials are relatively expensive compared to normal lines but the percentage of catches has increased since the fluorocarbon being introduced.
It is up to you to make the fluorocarbon as one of your fishing accessories because you understand the situation most. For me when it comes to ultralight game the fish is becoming extra sensitive and you need all kind of “tools” that can assist you. So, make a wise decision for greater experience.
All information given is based on a best efforts to express our opinions and knowledge that has been acquired. Paragraph or inappropriate words may have been used and it is out of control because we have tried most wisely. If you have suggestions, please comment. We will make changes.
Hey guys! You can call me Kanicen and I’m a nature lover. I spend most of my time outdoor with fishing. I have to admit that I am not an expert but I will do my best to share with you interesting stuffs I know. I love ultralight game which means I live to challenge myself with UNREALISTIC LOGIC for satisfaction.